About me

I am a PhD fellow at NYU, advised by Prof. Danny Huang. My current research interests are security and privacy, and software supply chain issues in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. Before I started my fellowship, I worked as a security reseracher for the Palo Alto Networks. I completed my Masters in CS with an emphasis in information security from the University of Florida. During my masters, I interned at Lastline Inc. and AWS.

Recent Updates

  • Sept 2021 - I am excited to join NYU and be a part of CCS as a PhD fellow under the supervison of Prof. Danny Huang.

Research Interest

I am interested in all aspects of computer security. I am in the early stage of my career and I am trying to find my niche. In general, I want to improve digital security and privacy by: creating tools or OS constructs for the development of secure software, building systems that make the internet safer, and conducting studies that reveal security issues in online platforms.

I also like participating in security competitions, like Capture the Flag (CTF) and blue team competitions. I play CTF with KernelSanders (UF Information Security team) and help them host SwampCTF.